Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Our little monkey

We recently bought this awesome old bakers rack for our dining room.  Finally got all those cook books off the counter!  The chair is pushed up against it just until we can secure it to the wall -- it's slightly top-heavy and much too easy for a surprisingly strong toddler to pull down.

Anyways, I witnessed this little feat yesterday...


So proud of herself!  I have been trying to capture that little grin forever.  :)

Also...Daniel and I celebrated our second wedding anniversary yesterday...with chocolate and flowers!  And some great background action in these pictures...

This was about an hour after that first climb took place.  She just climbed right up onto the chair...without going through the bakers rack first!  Nothing is safe anymore.  :)


  1. we told you juliet climbs on her dresser up to the changing table top...well, we decided to dismantle it for now. dont know if thats the best solution, but it will work for now. she still climbs on chairs and even her little kitchen - when she gets on that she can reach the light switch. i usually see the lights turning on and off before i realize shes up there.

  2. Haha...I bet that light switch is fun!

    It's amazing how quickly they develop that self-preservation instinct. I will always worry about her falling, but I can see that she keeps a careful eye on the edge of the chair, or the curb, or whatever. Now I just have to stop her from running into the street to chase the cars...
