Heart attack? Sorry, we're not having twins (
I wish).
We got to hear the heartbeat twice! Daniel ran late and
showed up five minutes after the first time. I would have asked the
nurse to wait for him, but I was anxious! 164 bpm both times...perfect.
I am 12 weeks pregnant today! We celebrated with a trip to Dr. J, the OB.
I have actually dropped a pound since my last appointment, which puts me three pounds below where I was when we found out about the pregnancy. I was really surprised to hear that, because my appetite has been improving lately, food aversions are dying down, and I've been eating much better (i.e. more) than before. I try to snack all day, but occasionally we have a really busy day and I sit down and realize I'm starving. I'm going to make more of a conscious effort from now on.
Anyways, the doc's not worried about it, and neither am I. I remember that with Hollie, during the last month or so, I was hungry literally 24/7. Could not get enough. Tried to eat healthy, but boy did I pack on the pounds in the last few weeks! So yeah. It'll happen. :)
At my next appointment, in six weeks, we get an
ultrasound! Can't wait.
Hollie is
so silly. And
SO smart.
Yesterday, I was running around the house trying to get Christmas gifts together and wrapped...and leaving Hollie pretty much unsupervised.
I think toddlers have a sixth sense for when they're not being watched.
She's recently discovered this drawer in the kitchen that has various utensils in it, like the can opener and the corkscrew wine bottle opener and and the vegetable peeler and other things that aren't really dangerous but
become dangerous in little hands.
So rather than install
another lock (our cabinets are going to look like Swiss cheese), we've just been trying to steer her back toward her own drawer, with the towels and oven mitts (which she loves to wear...it's adorable) and other boring stuff.
Of course, yesterday, while I was running around, I heard Hollie get into the drawer (because I think moms have a sixth sense for when their kids know that they aren't being watched). I peeked into the kitchen to see her sitting on the floor playing with the harmless measuring cups.
I debated for about two seconds. This would easily keep her for busy for the last few minutes of stuff I needed to do, but then there's the whole
now-I've let-the-rule-be-broken-under-my-nose... which could come back to bite us...
...so I let her play, and got everything done that I needed to do. Then it was time for a trip to the grocery store, so I asked Hollie, "Wanna got to the store?" She knows what this means, and got all excited as we hunted up socks and shoes and jackets.
As we were heading for the door, she suddenly stopped like she had forgotten something, turned around, and ran back into the kitchen...
picked up the measuring cups...
opened up the drawer that isn't hers...
and put them back in.
I was somewhere between blown away by the sweetness and blown away by the fact that she
That's all for now! I'd better go see what she's up to...