Friday, December 10, 2010

Our little pick-pocket

So Daniel's parents, aka Abuelita and Pepère, came to see us for Thanksgiving.  So much fun!

Great story- Abuelita, Hollie, and I were at Target one day and Abuelita was pushing the cart and making faces and being goofy with Hollie while I shopped.  Apparently (I didn't see it happen), while making eyes, Hollie reached into Abuelita's purse and snagged her cell phone!  Out from under her nose, what a pick-pocket!  Abuelita found me and told me what happened, and we decided we'd have to keep an eye on her...but not long after, Hollie did the same thing and got her wallet!  By that point I'm thinking, okay, maybe this is a way to boost our income?  We've always said it, but this further proves what a sneaky, sneaky girl she is.  She's all smiles, but there's always a plan in the works.

Over Thanksgiving dinner, we tried to decide on what our new baby's nickname will be for the next seven months or so.  After heated discussion, Pepère had the winner with...

Cletus the Fetus.

Haha!  I love it!  It goes without saying, but this will not be our baby's name if it's a boy, so please please please DON'T get this embroidered on anything!  It is the best antenatal nickname I've ever heard, though.  And antenatal is the coolest new word I've heard in awhile.  I'm going to start using it more often.

Another cute story- This afternoon Hollie got out her wipes, a bear, and a doll.  She opened the wipes and started wiping them both between the legs while telling me that they "poopoo"-ed.

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