Tuesday, November 30, 2010


So...we're pregnant!  It feels great!

When we were pregnant with Hollie...wow...is there any bigger shock than a surprise first pregnancy two seconds after you get home from the honeymoon?  Looking back, I think we were pretty much in that state of shock until the moment she was born, and then we said well okay, here we go, and slid easily into parent life.  Maybe we got a little excited about it toward the end of the pregnancy, but in the back of your mind is still this horrifying sense of your life being turned upside-down and saying goodbye, at twenty-one, to all the fun and freedom of young adulthood.

Sorry, I shouldn't talk about it like that (we obviously fell head-over-heels for Hollie and haven't looked back).  It's just that the contrast between that pregnancy and this one could not be greater.  We're excited to be excited about this!  We're a family now and it's working for us, and we can't wait to add to the mix.

So...it feels great.  Except for a few things...

Morning sickness.  I got up to about week 7 or so without feeling sick at all, until BOOM, I'm suddenly losing my dinner.  Prescription zofran in helping, and my appetite is coming back.  I still have this slight queasiness that's pretty much constant, but at least I can function.

I am tired.  Wiped out.  All the time.  Poor Hollie is has been so patient but I know sometimes she gets bored to tears, and then this happens...

Occasionally I get these little bursts of energy, and I run to the store for some groceries and get Hollie out for a walk and put away some laundry and some dishes and clean the house up a little, and then collapse.
I know everyone always wants to know what pregnancy women are craving, so here you go:
Buffalo wings (just took a break to go get some...I'm back now, and typing with my pinkies)
Ice cream
Onion rings

That's pretty much it.  Can't wait to get some energy (and appetite for healthy foods) back in the second trimester... 

I don't know if Hollie senses what's happening or what, but she has become very interested in my belly.  She always wants to lift my shirt to see it, and touch it, and even kiss it.  Daniel tried to tell her that there's a baby in there, so sometimes she points to it and says "baby!" but I don't know if she really understands.  She will, soon enough.

Daniel has been incredibly helpful.  When Hollie wakes up early, he makes breakfast for her before he leaves for work, to give me time to shower, because I cannot do anything in the morning until I shower.  So far he's been obliging my cravings for really unhealthy dinners.  He's the best.  :)

We went to see our new OB, Dr. J., at 8 weeks.  He didn't want to try and get a heartbeat yet (it might still be too early), but after a quick feel of my belly he said, "Well, something's growing in there!"  He is an older guy, pretty laid-back, and he flat-out told me that he won't induce my unless he sees a real need to, and I'll be in control of my labor.  He said (more or less), "Heck, you can run laps, get in the bath, squat in a corner and meditate, or you can get an epidural and watch TV, whatever you want."  He's a little strange, but I like him.

That's all for now!  We go back to the OB at 12 weeks, so we'll update then, if not sooner.  

Also, see this edit to my last post...

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