Party themes...check!
So, we didn't really plan much for Hollie's big day...what do you plan for a two-year old anyway? But with Daniel's parents in town from Lake Charles, and the family friends we invited having roots in turned out to be a Cajun party all by itself.
We played French music, had pasta-laya for dinner (that's jambalaya with pasta, instead of rice. Not exactly Cajun, if we're being nit-picky. More of a New Orleans thing, I think), and later enjoyed a king cake (carried carefully on the plane by the grandparents)(here's a link).
The family we invited over had two kids- a three-year-old boy, and a one-year-old girl. Despite the gaps in their ages, they had a blast together. Hollie loves to be chased, and this boy, apparently, loves to chase, so there were many many laps around the living room and kitchen, with little sister trying her best to keep up. It got pretty wild, but as long as they weren't hitting or pushing, we let them have fun. They all had a hand in opening the gifts, and then the house really turned upside down!
Trike from Abuelita and Pepere
Bowling set from Mommy and Daddy. They could not even wait for all the pins to be stood up- they just dove into them!
So, it was a blast. Everyone slept pretty well that night, I think. Hollie's check-up with the doctor was yesterday, and she's doing great. She's 26 pounds, and 33 and 1/4 inches tall.
New picture up over there! (Darn soap dispenser snuck in again.) I know I skipped a week. It might happen again- you've been warned.
There are a few bits and pieces from the OB appointment two weeks that I forgot to share.
I've been starting to really feel the growing pains lately, sometimes an ache at the top of my belly but most often on the sides. I remember that from before, but not this bad, so I asked and Dr. J confirmed that it is round ligament pain, and that it will probably get worse with each pregnancy. Soooo, I think after this one we're gonna be a family of four permanently! Just kidding, but maybe not. We'll see. :)
When he felt my belly to find the top of my uterus, he said, "Wow, you're already above the belly button! Normally at 22 weeks we expect you to be just about even." So, I think- cool, I'm measuring big! Then he takes out the measuring tape to get an actual number, and says "Hmmm. You're actually measuring small for 22 weeks. Looks like your belly button is just really low." We had a good laugh about that later...I guess you really do learn something new everyday!
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