Thursday, August 19, 2010

You Capture - In the kitchen

Sharing lunch with her puppy.  
How sweet!  

Also sharing with a Homer Simpson magnet on which Homer is saying, 
"Trying is the first step towards failure."

Oy vey.


Head over to I Should Be Folding Laundry to take a peek in everyone elses' kitchens!


  1. Sweet baby! My daughter has that same dog and looooooves it! Carries the thing everywhere. Very fun photo!

  2. Love the natural light in your photo. She looks so very sweet!

    With your blog title about the wind, and "great plains" in your description to the side... I have to say, I'm in North Dakota so you can't be too far away! :D "Hi!"

  3. Jess-
    Yes, we are in Kansas! When we moved here, about a year and a half ago, the first thing we said was "Holy cow, does this wind ever let up?".

    Hollie carries her puppy everywhere too!

    Thanks guys :)

  4. What a sweet moment - minus Homer :D
