Friday, August 13, 2010

Miscellaneous pictures

Once again, I've accumulated a whole bunch of random pictures.  Here you go...

Hollie just picked up her lunch, and decided the bottom shelf of the bakers rack was the most comfortable place to be.


Here she is back at the table.  I just love this picture.  <3

Momma's shoes (on the wrong feet) and a graham cracker (that Momma was too lazy to break into smaller pieces!)

Found another new lunch spot!

Hollie never took a pacifier as an infant, but we kept them around for her to play with.  What a goof!

Some quality Daddy-daughter TV time.  I don't let them do this too often.  :)

I caught her one day just examining herself in the mirror.  Yep, she's cute and she knows it.

We loooove this little pool!!!  Daniel took this through the front window - that's why it looks funny.  I set up the sprinkler next to the pool and she just has a wonderful time.

Last and certainly least [clothed]...sometimes yogurt just needs to be eaten while naked.

1 comment:

  1. funny you have lots of eating photos - when abuelita leger calls and asks what j is doing the answer is usually, "shes eating."
