Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How we're doing

Today is my first full day at home with two kiddos.  We had three hours yesterday between dropping my mom off at the airport and Daniel coming home.  Still alive and intact...so far, so good!

We went for our first walk this morning, just the three of us, with Blake in the mei-tai.  It didn't go perfectly...I may have had to pick Hollie up and carry her in one arm at one point...but we did make it home again.

Both girls are napping right now, so I probably should be, too.  Instead, I give you some disjointed thoughts...

Blake is one sleepy baby.  I don't remember Hollie sleeping this much, but I looked it up and newborns her age are supposed to be sleeping 16 out of every 24 hours.  Crazy.

She's nursing like a pro.

She initially screamed through every diaper change, but lately she doesn't mind them so much while she's awake.  But if she's drowsy or in a milk-coma, you'll get an earful.  I hate to spoil a newborn milk-coma, but sometimes it has to be done.

She's two weeks old today, and she's only had three baths.  I know, I know, she doesn't really get "dirty", but that's still just wrong.

She even seems to like baths, unlike her sister did at this age.

Her umbilical cord fell off in the wee hours of yesterday morning.

I find myself forgetting how young she is...I keep thinking that tomorrow we should try some rice cereal or mashed banana, or be watching for her first tooth.

Hollie is a fantastic big sister.  We only have to watch that she doesn't hug too hard.  She also really really wants to pick Blake up all by herself.  I'm sure at some point the novelty wears off and jealousy moves in...I'm watching for that too!

I am a little tired.  For a while there, I was not resting nearly as much as I should have been, but the "new mom high" was carrying me through...and also an irrational need to keep up with all the housework on my own the way I had been before (working on letting go of that).  As reality is slowly setting in, I'm making a conscious effort to rest when I  get the opportunity.  I have to say, the recovery from this birth was infinitely better than last time around.  On that note, I am working on that birth story.  In my abundant spare time.  :)

More later...

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