Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dinner and a show

While I was visiting my family in Phoenix last month, my mom and I found ourselves just sitting and being entertained watching Hollie eat. We got thinking about how great it would be to buy one of those old-timey dinner theaters, and run a show that would just consist of a bunch of babies in high-chairs, up on stage, eating things like mashed potatoes, beets, etc. The really messy stuff. I would soooo buy tickets to that!

I'm not talking about child labor or exploitation or anything like that. It's just that I could watch her eat for hours on end (which I hope never happens).

It got me in the mood to do [yet another] post dedicated to mealtime.

She was adamant, so I gave her the spoon and the bowl (she's pretty tough to argue with).

Had to try out both ends...

She couldn't quite master the scooping technique, so she mostly just stabbed at it, like so:

I don't know what's going on here...

Goopy fingers!

Wait for it, wait for it...

The way every good meal should end. :)

Here's another memorable meal: mashed potatoes and steamed veggies.

Look at it. In the hair, the eyelashes, the ears, the nose...

More goopy fingers!

When dinner was over, we took her shirt off right in the chair because you better believe she was going straight to the bath tub (do not Pass Go, do not Collect $200). I guess she wasn't happy about that.

The hair...

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