Thursday, May 20, 2010

You Capture - Depth of Field

"A can of worms, indeed."  (That was the original title, before I decided to use this post for You Capture instead)

A few days ago, out of the blue, Daniel says to me, "I think we should start composting."

"Sure!"  Why not?

"With worms."

 As in...earthworms.  Red wigglers, to be exact.  Imagine my struggle to keep a straight face while asking the guy at the bait shop for a few dozen "red wigglers."  Apparently they're the worms of choice for composting.  Without worms, you'd have to stir up the compost regularly to "aerate" it, helping it decompose evenly or whatever, but this way we don't have to do that.  Thank goodness.  Sounds like a job for Mike Rowe.

Getting everything we needed and setting it up was surprisingly easy, and while documenting the whole process, I took this shot just for this week's challenge:

You'll see where it fits in later.  

First, start with two big tubs.

Drill vent holes in tubs.

Shred a LOT of paper and moisten with a little water.

Put paper in tub.  5,845,671 points to whoever can identify the ripped up pizza box...

Add dirt on top of paper.

Pay no attention to the baby behind the curtain!

Add worms, to taste.
(Ewww...bad joke bad joke)

Do all of this right next to your dinner, cooking in the crockpot.

Thanks for reading that entire post, just for You Capture!  Check out everyone else's depth of field over at Beth's, at I Should Be Folding Laundry.


  1. Very awesome take on the challenge. Yay for composting :)

  2. Great photos and informative too. We had a vermicomposter for a while too; I just sold ours, :-(
