Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I saw the sign!

So...I got the camera thing worked out, but at the moment I'm too lazy/busy (yes, it is possible) to finish that post about the trip right now.  It will be done soon...I hope.

Anyway, just a few days ago, Hollie used her first sign language!  We just finished a 5 week sign language class (for babies) through Kindermusik.  We've been doing their music classes since last fall, but this is the first signing class that we've tried.  She hadn't really picked up on any of the sign language til now, probably because I haven't been very consistent about using it at home.

We were pleasantly surprised the other night (Daniel's mom was visiting, no less!) while she was eating her dinner and...out of the blue...asked for "more".

We got some video of it...but we're back to the lazy/busy thing.  I'll get to it, I promise.  :)

It was so surprising and so encouraging, that since then I've been focusing on another sign that we learned in class: "all done", as in finished.  We like our meal-time signs around here!

She used that sign for the first time today.

I guess that because she doesn't speak any words yet (except for the occasional "dada" and the even more seldom "mama") we don't realize just how smart she is becoming.  Of course we are noticing more and more that she's carefully balancing toys on top of each other, or fitting a small cup into a bigger one, or pressing the correct spot on a toy to make it play music, so we know that her little brain is working away, but this kind of real communication (even just "more" or "all done") is just...WOW!  Totally caught us off guard!

She's amazing.  :)


  1. We should let her and Juliet skype with each other and have a signing conversation!

  2. Haha...yes we should! It will be a pretty silly conversation.
