Thursday, June 23, 2011


We've been keeping busy around here like it's our job.

Two Sundays ago, we made our first trip over to Whidbey Island.  Hollie loooved the ferry ride.


We took a tour of historic Fort Casey, which was built right after the Civil War.  There are actually three forts around the Sound, because they're all armed with these enormous 33-ton cannons that were reeeeally difficult to move (and aim), so they basically just tried to get you from every angle.

 Hollie clings to Daddy for dear life.  It was a little breezy.


Then, on Friday night - six nights ago - we had our first little labor scare.  I was getting Hollie ready for bed, and started reading some books while we waited for Daddy to join us.  In the time it took to read two books, I had three little contractions.  Just then, Daniel came in and when I told him, he gave me a look and I had to say, "No, I'm not kidding!"

Hollie went to sleep, and they continued.  They were really weak - I could hardly feel them except for a little tightness, and with a hand on my belly I could feel that it got very firm.  Just like the contractions I've been having for weeks.  Except not so many in a row.  And not for an hour.

I was skeptical that this was really labor, but my OB's rule is to call if you have more than five contractions in an hour, so I called.  He told me to drink a bunch of water and try to rest, and call again in an hour if they got worse.

So, for about a half hour after that I ran around the apartment cleaning up, chugging water, and feeling my belly to see if it was tight.  They never intensified, but they kept going and I kept alternating between "there is no way this is real labor" and "shoot, I was induced last time...maybe this is real labor!".  Finally Daniel convinced me to lay down, and sure enough, the moment my head hit the pillow they stopped, I fell asleep, and didn't have another one the entire night...that I know of.

We had planned a trip to Vancouver for the next day, but decided in the morning to stay a little closer to home.  After breakfast we drove into Seattle to see the Boeing Museum of Flight.  As we're walking into the museum, my cell rings, and it's my OB...checking up on me and advising me to take it easy and rest for the weekend!  Hmmmm...okay!

I neglected to tell him where we were at that moment! Hopefully he never finds out about this blog...

The museum was pretty cool.  That morning they happened to be having a helicopter event outside, and we were arriving just at the end so we got to see a few of them take off.  Two of the guys from Deadliest Catch were there too, signing autographs and taking pictures.

We forgot to take the camera with us, so the only pictures I have are on my cell phone.  Daniel's going to have to help me get them on the computer...

There was also the "big red barn" where Boeing first started building planes.

Then, back outside to see the Concord and Air Force One...and we got to walk through both!  Very cool, despite waiting in two very long the constant drizzle.  Still cool.

By that point we were ready to call it a day, even though we hadn't actually gone into the museum at all.  We figure we'll probably go back again.  :)


The next day (this past Sunday), we took the ferry over to Whidbey Island again.  After splurging on lunch at a nice place in Coupeville, we drove up through the northern part of the island, which we had completely missed last time, to see Deception Pass.  Amazing!  You're just driving along through the woods, and then suddenly you're on a bridge 200 feet over the water.  We wanted to park and walk around, but it was packed with people and Hollie was asleep so we didn't want to take turns getting out and all that.  Ditto the museum - we'll probably go back.  :)

Oh yeah, forgot to take the camera on that trip, too.  :(


Okay, last thing...

Doctor's appointment two days ago:
I'm 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced.
Steady progress!

Ever since last Friday night, my contractions have been less frequent (than they were prior to Friday night), but stronger.

Also, my feet are starting to swell.  :(

I'm 39 weeks today.  Yep, I skipped the 38 week photo, but it doesn't really look like much has changed in two weeks anyway.

Starting this Saturday, my OB is out of town for a week.  To be honest, I don't see this birth happening that soon though.  My experience - Hollie being five days late (and induced) - is leading me to believe that, but I know every time will be different, so we will just have to wait and see!

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