Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"Ummo's nummers"

We may have a future accountant around here.  Hollie's been learning been learning about numbers (nummers) out of an Elmo (Ummo) book, and lately she's been pointing them out everywhere - on everything from phones to food packaging.  It's usually just nummers, but occasionally she specifies: Ummo's nummers.

To clarify, she does not actually know the numbers.  However, sometimes she sings to herself, "One-two-one-two-one-two!"

She sings a lot, and I love it.  Her songs usually go something like this:
"Sah-shoo-sah-shoo" (see below)
any combination, in a little sing-song voice.  I wish I could catch it on video, but you know how tough that is.  By the time the camera is out and turned on, she's moved on to something else.  You never know, I might get lucky!

Socks and shoes - sah-shoo.  Heard when we're getting ready to leave the house (or if she wants to leave (usually right before bedtime)).  Also heard around the same time...

Jacket - jack-ah
Hat - at! (always with a !)

Her pronunciation of water had slowly evolved from woggy,
to woddy,
to wah-doh,
and finally to wad-dah , which sounds pretty close to the real thing, just with a bit of an accent.

Her month-old obsession with lotion (show-shah) continues.  The definition has been expanded to include hand sanitizer and chapstick.

She is saying more foods, like...
Orange -  ornge (one syllable).  I feel so bad, because she loves them and asks for them constantly but gets an awful rash if she eats more than two or so a day!
Apple - appo or appah
Banana - mana
Sandwich - sammich
Water and juice - She knows I dilute her apple juice, so she usually asks for waddah-juice.

There are probably a few more, but I can't think of any at the moment.  I hope all of you don't get tired of reading stuff like this.  I read a quote recently, something to the effect of - You have to accept that no one else in the world thinks your child is as fascinating as you do.  I don't care if that's true, this is mostly for me anyway, because I just can't stand the thought someday I won't remember all these little things.

So, bear with me.  I know the real reason you keep coming like these:

  7:30 pm
This is what happens when you miss naptime!

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