Friday, July 2, 2010

Cloth diaper trial [pt 3]: bumGenius follow-up

Disclaimer: No one is paying me to write about this, the opinions expressed are my own and no one else's...blah blah blah. 

So, I tried the rubber-banded-insert thing overnight, and I threw a Sham-wow in there to be safe... and it leaked.  :(  Both the insert and the Sham-wow were wet, so I'm glad I used both.

After that, my next thought was that the diaper wasn't fitting her properly.  Obviously a diaper that's too big will leak, and I've been leaving them on the largest snap setting, hoping that will make her the most comfortable.

The next night I tried sizing the diaper down one setting, and it still leaked. 

To fix this problem, I think we would need to add more inserts.  But since doing that isn't an option (for Hollie's comfort) then I guess one solution would be to use cloth during the day, and disposables at night.  In terms of cost, this would still save us money over using disposables exclusively.  

I should add that during the day, we can use one insert normally, and she is just fine.  It's only during the night that we're having the difficulty.

Grumble grumble grumble.

Moving on to Happy Heiny's...


  1. Two other things that may be causing the leak...

    What diaper soap are you using? Some leave a residue that affects the absorbency of the inserts. Another thing that will mess with absorbency is diaper cream, so you either shouldn't use any or use a liner (they have disposable and cloth) to make sure the cream doesn't touch the diaper.

    Juliet uses a double stuffed diaper at night, and she doesn't mind. Maybe once the diapers lose their stiffness she will be more comfortable?

    You know if you have any questions you can always call us!

  2. I've been using Tide original powder. That's what I read here:

    I've been using 1/2 of the recommended amount for a small load, but maybe when I'm only washing two or three diapers that's still too much? Maybe I should strip them and wash with even less soap.

    Haven't used any creams or anything.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the rubber band caused the problem. I know the inserts weren't meant to be used that way...silly idea, but I had to try it.

    I actually just ordered one all-in-one, and one prefold and cover (something I never thought I would do), so we're going to try those out and see if we like those better.

    I would love the bumgenius if it wasn't so stiff. Have your's become less stiff over time?

    Thanks so much for your help! If I have any other questions I'll definitely email you.
