Friday, July 9, 2010

More cowbell, please!

After going to bed last night perfectly healthy, Hollie woke up this morning with a fever of 101.8.  After getting her clothes off and giving her Tylenol, we spoke to the nurse at the doctor's office, who told us to just wait and see.  It's probably a virus, which will go away on its own in a few days without any other symptoms.  If she does develop any new symptoms or the temp gets higher, we'll need to take her in.

She seemed fine though, maybe a little fussy.  For breakfast we had some favorites: honeydew melon, yogurt, and cheese.  After eating, she was in a great mood, and went back to sleep for about an hour and a half.

When she woke up, her temp was 104.2.  I panicked, called the doctor's office again (and left a message...again), and called Daniel at work, contemplating just taking her straight to the emergency room.

While I waited for the nurse to call back, I gave her a cool-ish bath (which she did not enjoy) and we had lunch: strawberries and a cream cheese sandwich.  After that she seemed to be in much better spirits again.  I took her temperature: 102.2.  Whew.

Then the nurse finally calls back.  Despite the drop in temperature, she still wanted us to come in.

An hour later we were in the doctor's office.  She was down to 101.1, thank goodness, and a quick look in the ears showed infection.  In both ears.  :(  Went home with a prescription for amoxicillin.

Well, at least we know what it is.  She never showed any rubbing or pulling her ears...nothing.  She did fuss when we used our brand new ear thermometer, but I'm pretty sure she would've done that anyway.  I'm glad we caught this when we did, and that she has been in such a good mood all day.  I'm praying it doesn't become a chronic thing.     

But hey, the new diapers came in the mail yesterday!!!  Reviews coming soon, as soon as our patient/model is back in tip-top shape.

Update -- 10:30pm
Hollie just went to sleep for the night.  After we got home from the doctor, she took another nap and woke up with her back and chest absolutely burning up.  I didn't even take her temperature.  I was scared to see what it was.  We spent the rest of the evening just sitting around, keeping her comfortable and persuading her to eat and drink.  Since the bath didn't go so well earlier, we tried wiping her down with some wet washcloths, which she liked even less.  Tylenol doesn't seem to be helping with the fever or the pain.  :(  Poor girl.  Hopefully that first dose of antibiotics will have some effect tonight, though the doc said this could take three days to completely go away.  I feel so bad for her!  :(

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