Thursday, July 22, 2010

You Capture - Black & White

This was a really cool challenge, but then I ended up taking a photo that has to be in color in order for you to get the point...

As of Monday, we are officially a two-car family, and owners of our very first mini-van!  If you know Daniel and I, you know that in our opinion (until recently) buying a mini-van could be equated with the most

They're just not, well... cool.

It turns out being parents has made us kinda nerdy.  I am embarrassed by how excited I am to be driving around in this. 

[Also, I would love nothing more than to be able to say we bought a black and white van just for this You Capture challenge, but that wouldn't be true.  That would have been awesome, though.]


Be sure to go see the other black and white posts for You Capture hosted by Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry!


  1. hey guys! is mary grace from lc!!!! i was wondering what the name of your youtube page was.

    - MG

  2. Hi MG! Sorry, I don't think we have a youtube page.

    Hope all of you are having a fun summer!
